Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter

Holidays this year have been interesting.  While it's exciting to have Harrison around for the holiday seasons, it's also hard to decide if we should "go all out".  We decided that since he's only 4 months old and isn't going to remember or understand holiday traditions that we'll wait till next year to start getting into family traditions.  While we didn't get Harrison an Easter basket with a bunch of goodies inside, we did travel up to Vermont to spend some time with family.

Here's what Ben and I got in our Easter basket this year!

Saturday was a super busy day and Harrison did really well keeping up!  We started out the day by going to Billings Farm in Woodstock, VT.  We made the trip with Ben's sisters Megan and Candi and our sister in law Jen.  We also had cousins galore in tow!  Including Harrison there were 7 kids!  We love that Harrison will have so many cousins to play with when he gets a little older.

via Instagram

Harrison wasn't too thrilled with the baby animals as he slept in the moby wrap the ENTIRE time!  I on  the other hand was so excited to see all of the sweet baby animals.  There was a 5 day old calf, 5 day old lambs, baby ducks, and chicks.  There was also a barn with lots of cows and horse drawn carriage rides.

Totally uninterested!

This cow was so funny…… was loving the kids scratching under her chin. 

Baby calf!

Later on in the afternoon we all trekked over to Candi and Alex's house to dye Easter eggs and have an Easter Eve dinner.  Harrison was pretty content in the moby wrap but at times was a cranky beast.  I think he was just a little overwhelmed with all of the people, noises, and new sights.  I'm sure he'll get use to his big crazy family in no time!

On Sunday we spent the morning in Quechee watching Georgia and Charlotte hunt for eggs.  I can't wait for next year when Harrison will be able to join in!  We then went on to visit Ben's Nana before driving down to Bow to visit my Mom, Dad, and Grandma.  It was such a crazy fun busy Easter weekend.  I'm so excited for next year when Harrison will "get" what's going on and will be able to partake in the Easter fun!

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend!

Happy Easter!
Ben, Laura, Harrison, Nyla and Jade

Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy 4 months HRP!

4 Months!  WOW!  I can hardly believe my baby boy is 4 months old!  While it seems like I was on bed rest just yesterday, it also seems like I've been blessed with this little boy for a lifetime!  Finally at 4 months I feel like I (somewhat) have my $*@t together!  I've taken so many pictures over the past 4 months.  Since replacing my phone the week before I was on bed rest, I've racked up 1,119 pictures!  Whoa mama!  I guess it's easy to say that I can't get enough of my little HRP!  Like I said in my previous post, I'm hoping to do a monthly Harrison update.  It's crazy to see how much he changes even just week to week, so it'll be nice to be able to look back and see his monthly milestones and updates.


8lbs, 11oz - this is up 15 oz. from his 3 month check in


Harrison has been smiling for about 2 months now.  Over the past few weeks he's been smiling more and more.  I absolutely love getting a smile first thing in the morning when he sees me for the first time, or while we're playing on the floor on his activity mat.  I've been acting like a crazy person trying to get the first laugh out of him!  I think he's working really hard at it.  Maybe by next months update!!

Over the past month or so we've been hearing more cooing.  It's still just the beginning stages but it's so so cute!

{finding his hands}
He found his hands about 3 weeks ago and ever since it's been a whole new world!  He likes to suck on his hands and can almost get his whole fist in his mouth.  He's also started to hold onto and grasp different things.

{tummy time}
I guess this isn't really a milestone…. but I consider it a milestone for us!  Tummy time has been a real struggle with our little HRP.  We've been trying to do a few minutes every day and Harrison just was not enjoying himself.  I would lay his chest down on the boppy and get in front of him to try to entertain him, but he only lasted about 1 - 2 minutes.  Well, about a week ago I decided to try doing tummy time with him flat on his activity mat (we've tried numerous time before, but obviously it did not go well) and he was able to prop himself up with his arms and hold his head up!  YAY!!

{following sounds and voices}
H will look towards sounds he hears (especially the tv) and will follow where our voices are coming from.

H is pretty much sleeping around 7-8 hours at night!  HALLELUJAH!  He is still sleeping in our room in his rock and play.  He's a pretty horrible napper during the day and only sleeps if he's in the car seat or in the Moby wrap.  Now that he's through the first 3 months, I've tried the transition into his crib.  So far I've been attempting a nap or two a day.  We've had a little bit of success!

H is eating about 6 times a day.  We're nursing 4 times a day and doing 2 bottles a day.  Right now in the bottles Harrison is drinking breast milk supplemented with a little bit of formula to get him extra calories.  Since birth H has been very healthy.  Our only goal for him is to just keep putting on weight.  He's had great growth since birth, so we'll keep up this routine for the next couple of months.  We're assuming we'll be starting some solids around 6 months, so until then he's getting pumped with mama's milk!

his mama -totally going through a mommy stage right now!
bath time
farting noises (from the mouth!  I guess I should call them raspberries!)
his Wubbanub (pacifier)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, and Old McDonald
Being in the moby wrap

tummy time -although we're starting to like it a little more!
getting out of the tubby!
Waiting while we get his bottle ready
taking a break from his bottle to be burped
being left alone
sleeping in his crib

Hope everyone has a lovely Easter weekend!  And for all my Jew friends, Happy Passover!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Welcome to the world HRP!!

So I've been trying to write this post for almost 4 months now!  It's safe to say that life with a newborn is (excuse my language) a shit show!  Now that Harrison is on somewhat of a schedule and things feel a little bit more manageable I'm hoping to get back to blogging a bit.  Don't hold me to it, but I'm hoping to do monthly Harrison updates.  Let's see if I can do it!  
Now onto Harrison's introduction to the world!

So life over the past month has obviously been super CRAZY!  When I explain myself and Ben to people I always say how laid back we are.  We're the type of people that live in the moment.  Ben is a little bit more of the "fly by the seat of your pants" type of person, but for the most part we're pretty stress free individuals.  Well I think even the most stress free person would have been totally thrown for a loop if they had been faced with our situation.  It's amazing to look back at the past month and reflect on how much our lives have changed and how much we have changed as individuals.

If you remember my previous post Baby Percy's Impeding Arrival you would know that my doctors at MGH were trying to get me to Thursday, November 29 to induce me.  Well, Harrison obviously had other plans for us…… AGAIN!  On Saturday, November 24th I had my routine daily non-stress test to check for contractions and monitor Harrison's heart rate.  While his heart rate wasn't "bad" it just didn't have the variations that they like to see.  They look to see that the baby can recover after increases in their heart rate, and his just wasn't doing that.  He was pretty much staying around 135 to 140.  While they weren't overly concerned at this point they still decided to do an ultrasound just to be sure that he was ok.  During the U/S they look at the amount of amniotic fluid, the organs, and to see if the baby's diaphragm is moving which shows that the baby is doing practice breaths.  During my 30 minute U/S, Dr. Baute noticed that Harrison wasn't really taking practice breaths.  We also discussed how Harrison had been moving less than normal.  On the U/S you could see slight movements but it wasn't his usual kicks and jabs.  Dr. Baute still wasn't overly concerned at this point, but decided to send me up to the labor and delivery floor so I could be hooked up to a continuous fetal heart rate and contraction monitor.  Ben and I were still under the impression that we would be back in my original "home away from home" room in a matter of hours after a little bit of monitoring, so we grabbed my computer and some books and magazines and we were on our way.

Here's a picture of the Zakim Bridge from my room on the L&D floor

Hooked up to the monitors 

After an uneventful 5ish hours of being monitored Dr. Baute came back in to repeat the ultrasound to look for Harrison's practice breathing.  After another 30 minutes of watching Harrison, he still wasn't doing many practice breaths.  Dr. Baute still didn't seem too worried but she wanted to check with one of my high risk doctors just to be certain.  Ben and I were talking about what we were going to eat for dinner once we went back down stairs when Dr. Baute, Dr. Packard, and a resident all came walking into the room.  Ben told me later that when he saw all three of them walk in, he knew what was going to happen.  The doctors were concerned that the reason why Harrison wasn't moving a lot and wasn't doing a lot of practice breaths was possibly due to an early infection.  They explained that it isn't worth waiting until the 29th to induce so they wanted to move forward with the induction that night.  WAIT, WHAT!?!?  They asked us if we had any questions, to which we responded with a very shocked no!  How could we have any questions, when this information was just sprung on us!

While we were surprised that they were going to induce me that night, we also knew that it could take many hours or even days to get to the labor stage, so I was still thinking that it might be another day or so until we meet our little man.  They started an IV and checked to see if I was dilated which I was surprisingly already 2 cm.  They started pitocin in my IV and we were on our way!  Shortly after they started the pitocin I began having slight contractions.  They were very mild but were about every 3 minutes.  Ben and I continued to try to relax and stay calm.  Our nurse came in about every 20 minutes or so to check my contractions and to check little H's heart rate.  Everything seemed to be progressing just fine, until the nurse noticed that Harrison's heart rate would dip slightly after the peak of my contractions.  While it's normal for a baby's heart rate to dip during a contraction, it's not normal for it to dip right after.  They were concerned that my placenta might not be functioning correctly so while it wasn't yet an emergency, they continued to closely monitor my contractions.

Fast forward to about 1:30 am- Ben and I actually ended up falling asleep.  I was in the hospital bed and Ben was right next to me on a cot.  We had been watching Family Guy on my computer and were trying to rest up for the events to come.  All of a sudden we were awoken by Dr. Packard, the resident, and our nurse as they came rushing into my room.  Dr. Packard instructed them to turn off the pitocin and to help me roll onto my other side.  They then proceeded to stare at the monitor.  Ben and I were both very nervous, scared, and confused.  Within seconds they were put at ease and told us that Harrison's heart rate had dropped to about 80.  Dr. Packard then had a conversation with us about how it was obvious that Harrison wasn't tolerating labor well.  She advised us to go ahead with a C-section considering I was still in the early stages of labor.  It just wasn't going to be safe for Harrison if we kept trying to induce.  So after talking to the anesthesiologist, signing my life away, and kissing Ben goodbye for a few short minutes I was off to the operating room.  Ben was left in the room to call my parents to give them the heads up and to get prepared by putting on his sexy scrubs!

Getting ready for my C-section

 All ready to go!  Don't let this smile fool you….. I was shaking like crazy!!

Paging Dr. Percy…. Paging Dr. Percy!

Walking into the operating room was one of the most surreal moments of my life.  I feel like everything was playing out like a movie right in front of my eyes.  I can still remember how the room looked and all of the little details.  The 4 huge spotlights over the table that just seemed too narrow for anyone to lay on, the warming table that my son would soon be placed on, and the two nurses performing their count of the medical supplies and tools that would be used for my surgery are just a few of the memories that I'll always have from that day.  

 After the anesthesiologist placed my spinal Ben was brought into the room.  He and the anesthesiologist sat on either side of my head and kept me as calm as possible in light of what was happening on the other side of the curtain.  After about 10 minutes and feeling slight pressure Dr. Packard told us that we would soon be meeting our son.  Within another minute she asked Ben if he wanted to glance over to see Harrison.  Ben stood up to see a crunched up little babe before they took him over to the warming table.  It seemed like forever until I heard cute little faint cries coming out of our sweet little baby boy.  He was breathing on his own!  After they assessed him and had Ben cut his umbilical cord, they brought Harrison over to me.  Words cannot describe how I felt seeing my tiny but healthy baby boy for the first time.  I wish I could have frozen that moment in time.

 Dr. Percy cutting the umbilical cord

Itty bitty babe on the warming table

 Holding my son for the first time

 First kiss

First photo of our family of 3!

After cuddling Harrison for a few minutes, we then had to briefly say goodbye to him so they could get him set up in the NICU.  It was hard seeing him for such a short time but I knew he was in great hands!  I was then rolled into my recovery room and had to stay there for (I think) around an hour so they could assess my recovery and make sure my spinal was wearing off.  We were then brought up to our baller (more on that later) postpartum recovery room but not before we made a quick detour to the NICU to check on Harrison.

Here's our sweet baby boy staying toasty warm in his isolette.  

While my pregnancy was very normal and routine, my labor and delivery were not!  While there were many moments that were scary, confusing, terrifying, and unfair to name a few, I am so incredibly grateful that I was at MGH.  The staff made this experience as comfortable as possible.  I'm so grateful to them for helping Ben and I stay strong for our little boy.  I guess that's why they were voted as the #1 hospital in the country! 

Harrison Reid Percy was born on November 25, 2012 at 2:35 am at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA.  He weighed 3 pounds 10 ounces and was 16 inches long.  We are so blessed to have this little boy in our lives!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Life at MGH before HRP

I'm trying to get back to blogging…. it's been quite some time since my last post, but I'm sure you can understand why I've been neglecting my blog.  I'll be doing a post on our special day of November 25th hopefully soon, but in the mean time I wanted to blog a little bit about what life was like before the little nugget entered our world and forever changed us.

While I was on bed rest, I tried to make light of the situation and document what was going on by taking a picture a day (or at least trying to).  So here are some of the pictures I took that will hopefully give you a little glimpse into what my life was like from a MGH hospital bed!

Friday, November 16th…..The night we found out my amniotic sac had ruptured…. We were nervous and scared and thought that I was going to deliver within days.

 Getting the first of many non-stress tests done.  

Saturday morning…. Walking back from the bathroom with my IV of antibiotics

Ben sent me this picture of Nyla and Jade to try to cheer me up……Those faces can always make me smile

 View of the Charles from my second room on Ellison 13

At least I was able to enjoy beautiful sunsets 

 The day I was granted wheel chair privileges- Ben and I enjoyed some pastries and hot chocolate/coffee out on the grounds

 It was a little chilly outside so we made our way into one of the lounge areas

One of my daily non stress tests.  The orange number is Harrison's heart rate, and the green number tracks my contractions…. No contractions that day!

 My Thanksgiving day turkey lunch with cranberry juice

 Freshly painted nails…. With a blue finger nail for our strong little boy

 Our friends Mark and Hayley were so gracious and brought us Thanksgiving dinner….. It was delicious and totally put my lunchtime turkey dinner to shame!  

Ben excited about the turkey dinner!

The view from our 3rd room on the Labor & Delivery unit.  

Getting my non-stress test done on the Labor & Delivery unit….. Little did we know we were going to be meeting our son a few hours later!

Up next….. The day (or early morning) that Harrison arrived!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

So tons of people have been on FB posting what they're thankful for….. While I love love love the idea of this, I would rather post on my blog about what I'm thankful for.

Here it goes:

*I am thankful for the amazing doctors and nurses at Mass General.  MGH has just been awarded the top hospital in the nation, and the care that I have been receiving from the Maternal Fetal Medicine team is beyond amazing.  I feel as though baby Percy and myself are in the right hands.

*I am thankful for the advanced medicine and technology that hospitals are equipped with these days.

*I am thankful for my health and getting baby Percy this far in gestation.  It's hard to be on this floor and be aware of the fact that there are people that are far less fortunate in terms of their own health or the length of gestation for their babies.  All of the nurses and doctors keep reassuring me that 33-34 weeks is an ok time to have him.

*I am (or will be) thankful for the amazing staff in the NICU here at MGH.  While I obviously haven't experienced it first hand, I've heard that the NICU is amazing.

*I am thankful for our amazing family, friends, and coworkers that keep offering up love and support to us during this unexpected and scary time.  We have SO many generous people in our lives that have supported us with kind words, food, distractions, visits, etc.  I can not even stress enough how much we've appreciated everything that has been done for us.  I don't think we'll ever be able to express what it means to us.  THANK YOU and WE LOVE YOU ALL!

*Lastly, I am so incredibly thankful for my husband.  I am able to be this strong for the baby because of his love and support.  From taking care of Nyla and Jade, to sending me videos of the animals playing, to keeping me company at hotel MGH, to bringing in clothes or food in my pink Vera Bradley bag (he's gotten compliments in the elevator), he has kept my spirits high and my mood positive.  I could not do this without him.  He means the world to me and I know he's going to be an amazing daddy to baby Percy.  xoxo

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day today and found something that they're thankful for as well!

Happy Thanksgiving Day and GO PATRIOTS!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Baby Percy's Impending Arrival

So it's been quite a while since I've blogged.  We actually have had an unexpected turn of events in baby Percy's arrival plan.  I'm currently on bed rest at MGH because I've been leaking amniotic fluid since Friday.  While the past 5 days have been nerve racking, unpredictable, and confusing, Ben and I have become stronger parents even before welcoming our little boy into this world.  I've already learned  what all parents say….. the kid is always in control!  Apparently our little man wanted to meet the world sooner rather than later!

Here is an email I sent out earlier today that gives a little bit of a timeline of what has been going on since Friday:

This past Friday I left work early because I felt like I was potentially leaking fluid.  I immediately went to my doctors office where they tested the fluid and confirmed that it was indeed amniotic fluid.  They sent me right up to the Labor & Delivery unit where they hooked me up to monitor the baby's heart, and to monitor if I was having any contractions.  Baby sounded great and I wasn't contracting.  I got a series of 2 steroid shots that helped to mature the baby's lungs, and they started an IV to administer antibiotics.  With having a rupture in the sac, there is a risk of infection…. so I had 3 days of antibiotics to try to prevent against that.  With a ruptured sac it's inevitable that the baby will be coming before my due date.  The protocol is to wait until the baby decides to come on his own…. or try to get the mom to 34 weeks in which then they'll induce.  On Monday I had an amniocentesis (they use a needle to go in to the sac through your stomach) done to be 100% certain that I was indeed leaking.  Because I have very minimal leaking…. and the fact that there was still so much amniotic fluid around the baby, they weren't completely certain if i had ruptured.  Well the amniocentesis came back positive so we're back on our original plan of meeting the little man early.  They've scheduled my induction for Thursday, November 29th…. so we're really hoping that the little man holds out until then.  I'll be 34 weeks and 2 days along.  While it's been hard to come to terms with the fact that we'll be welcoming a preemie into this world, Ben and I have been getting stronger and stronger as the days go by.  I'm on bed rest until he comes at Mass General which is an amazing hospital with an absolutely amazing NICU so I know that he will have the best possible care.  My mom was also saying that I'll have the NICU doctors in the delivery room with me ready for his arrival, which helps to know that he'll get the care he needs as soon as he comes out.  

So that's the gist of what has been going on.  While it's hard to be on bed rest, I've had so many family members and friends stop by to visit and drop off food or goodies.  It definitely helps the days go by faster and keeps me staying positive.  Also, thank you to those of you that have been reaching out to Ben and I.  We really appreciate the love and support that you've been sending.  It really helps us to stay positive!
So, with Baby Percy (hopefully) arriving after the 29th (fingers crossed!), I've got about a week left.  Over the next week I'm going to try to blog a little bit about what has been going on in the hospital.  We're planning on taking a tour of the NICU in the next couple of days, so I'll try to update you on how that experience goes.  I'm also trying to remember to take "a picture a day" while I'm staying here at the hospital.  Just something else to focus on while I'm here.  I actually have a spectacular view from my room… so I'll try to post some of my first pics soon.

Thanks again for your love and support,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

31 weeks

We had a very busy week 31!  On Saturday we went to MGH for our childbirth preparation class.  It was a one day class so we were there from 9 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon.  As anticipated I didn't really learn any new information that I hadn't already read about before, but I did pick up some info that will help me plan for the hospital.  A couple of the things that were very helpful were learning when to go to the hospital, and learning where to go when we get there!  Our instructor who is a labor and delivery nurse at MGH stressed to us not to get to the hospital before we were actually in labor.  She said that if we weren't in active labor and at least 4cm dilated, that triage would send us back home.    She also stressed to us that it's better to go through the first stages of labor at home instead of at the hospital.  Once I get to the hospital, I won't be able to eat or drink anything until after our little one has arrived.

We also went on a tour of the labor and delivery unit, which definitely helped to ease my nerves.  It helps to know where exactly to go once we decide to head into the hospital.  We were able to see what triage looks like, what the labor and delivery rooms look like, and what the postpartum rooms look like.  I'm starting to create a list of the different things I'll need to pack in my hospital bags.  Our instructor said it was a good idea to pack two separate bags, one for the L&D room, and one for the postpartum room.  If there are any mommies out there that have some must need items for the hospital bag please feel free to share!

So, on another note, my iphone has totally crapped out.  I'm not a very happy camper right now when it comes to Apple.  I have an iphone 4, and recently updated my phone to the newest operating system.  Shortly after updating I started experiencing issues.  My phone will just power off in the middle of a phone call or in the middle of me checking my email, and then I won't be able to turn it back on unless I bring it into the Apple store.  SERIOUSLY…. not cool that I don't have a working phone considering I'm in the middle of my 3rd trimester!  After going into the apple store to talk to the people at the "genius bar" 3 times in the past 6 days, I've learned that there is basically nothing that they can do for me and that I'll have to get a new iphone 4 for the price of $150.  So frustrating considering Apple is totally not standing behind their product or their upgrade.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, let me know if anyone has an older iphone that they're not using.  I would greatly appreciate it if I could borrow it until May when I can upgrade my phone through Verizon.  Please let me know, and if you need to get a hold of me….. email me or facebook me…… Grrrr!

That being said…….. I don't have a picture update for you :(
I took a picture yesterday… but then my phone crashed.  So all I have for a 31 week update is my weekly status/survey.

How far along? 31 weeks 7 days - Baby is the size of a pineapple 
Total weight gain: 25 pounds- official weight gain from my weigh in at my appointment of Thursday
Maternity clothes?  Pretty much 90% maternity clothes  
Stretch marks?  Still none yet
Sleep:  Able to sleep pretty well      
Best moment this week:  Going to the Kelloggs tour of gymnastics championships.  My boss from gymnastics brought us all to the show.  Yay Fierce Five!
Miss anything?  Missing margaritas this week.  Ben and I had lunch at a Mexican restaurant yesterday and I was soooo jealous of his margarita.  It smelled so good!  8 more weeks! 
Movement:  Still moving like crazy!
Food cravings?  No cravings this week
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Totally bumping it up!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy!  
Labor signs:  n/a  
Symptoms:  Way less mobile…. Starting to feel like a whale….. and I think I'm starting to feel some braxton hicks contractions every once and awhile 
Belly button in or out?  Oh it's out…. :(
Wedding rings on or off?  On but starting to feel a little snug depending on the time of day  :(
Mood:  Excited to meet the little guy in 8ish weeks…. but nervous for L&D in 8ish weeks
Looking forward to:  Relaxing….. now that I'm down to office hours at the gym.  I'll only be working there Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 4:30-6, and instead of teaching classes I'll be covering the office.  While I could probably suck it up for another 6ish weeks, my body is definitely showing signs of wanting me to slow down.  
Weekly goals/plans: Try to eat healthy
