Sunday, August 12, 2012

16 and 18 weeks!

I've been a little bit of a slacker when it comes to my baby bump updates.  With our super busy past couple of weeks, it was difficult for me to find a time to update my chalkboard.  With our schedules winding down I've been able to get back on track!  So here are my week 16 and 18 bump photos, and my week 18 update! 

Week 16

Week 18
(sorry for the weird shadows…. I was running out of daylight!)

Week 18 
(Family shot… minus the baby daddy!)

How far along? 18 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Maternity clothes?  Getting really close to the day when I won't be able to fit into my regular clothes…. I've been wearing A LOT of dresses lately because it's the only thing that doesn't feel too tight around my "burger belly"
Stretch marks?  Nope!
Sleep:  Sleeping well besides getting up a couple times a night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week:  Feeling little "twitches" in my belly!
Miss anything?  not really feeling like I'm missing out on anything this week   
Movement:  for the past week i've been feeling little twitches in my belly…..I usually feel it in the morning or afternoon/night when I'm sitting down relaxing.  I wasn't sure what the baby was going to feel like, but for me it definitely feels like little twitches instead of butterflies.
Food cravings?  Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Definitely showing these days….. but I think strangers still can't tell if I have a fat belly or if I'm preggers!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy!  
Labor signs:  No
Symptoms:  No real symptoms these days!  
Belly button in or out?  Inie/outie – which is normal for me!
Wedding rings on or off?  on and I'm hoping it stays this way!
Mood:  Happy and excited
Looking forward to:  relaxing a bit this week!
Weekly goals/plans: Finally started to go to the gym… just a little bit!  Hopefully I can keep it up this week!!

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