Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Goodbye Gestational Diabetes….and Other Good News!

So I finally received a call from my doctors office this morning….. and it was good news!  I passed my 3 hour glucose test!  Yay!  That means that I don't have gestational diabetes and I won't have to make a drastic change to my diet!  Phew!  Bring on the holidays!!  Like I said before, gestational diabetes is managed through diet, exercise, and monitoring your blood sugar levels.  As long as it's managed there is no harm to the mom or the baby, but just such an annoyance.  I am so thankful that my levels came back normal and I don't have to monitor my sugar levels.

In other exciting but non related news……..

Ben passed his Massachusetts Bar Exam!!

He took the exam ALL THE WAY back in July and has had to wait until now to find out his fate!  Our friend Mark gave all the guys a heads up on Wednesday that the results had been mailed and to expect to receive them in the mail on Thursday.  Ben had told me weeks before that if the envelope was thin it was good news, and if the envelope was thick it was bad news because they were mailing all of the retake information.  We were obviously wishing for a thin envelope!

I had a half day from school on Thursday, so when I got out of school I called Ben.  There was no answer.  I kept thinking that this was not a good sign!  When I got home I was greeted at the door by Jade but no Nyla or Ben.  When I looked on the counter I noticed a letter laying flat.  I quickly scanned the letter and saw the only word that I needed to see to realize that it was good news….
After reading the letter I ran upstairs thinking that Ben and Nyla were taking a little nap, only to find that neither of them were up there.  Then I realized that they were probably out on a walk.  I ran outside and quickly found them chilling in the sunlight and gave them both a great big hug!  This is the final piece of the law school puzzle, and we're beyond excited that he is an actual Attorney.  You can now call him Benjamin Percy, Esquire!

Monday, October 29, 2012

29 Weeks, Sandy, and Yonkers OH MY!

So 29 weeks has proven to be a very busy week!  Baby Percy has had much to do on his agenda.  We had our 3 hour glucose test on Friday which was a follow up from our failed 1 hour glucose test.  I was instructed to start fasting at midnight the night before, and wasn't allowed to eat or drink until I was finished with the 3 hour test on Friday….. FUN FUN!  I arrived at MGH around 7:25 and was called in almost immediately.  I had my blood drawn to see what my baseline was after fasting.  Then, I had to drink twice the amount of the glucose drink that I drank for the 1 hour test.  This was honestly the hardest part of the whole 3 hours.  One cup of the syrupy flat orange soda drink wasn't hard to handle, but 2 cups was pretty much torture!  The phlembotomist kept asking me if I felt ok while I was drinking, apparently some people get sick from drinking the glucose drink.  I'm glad that didn't happen to me because I wouldn't want to start the whole process all over again.  After finishing the glucose drink I had to go back out into the waiting room and wait an hour before my blood was drawn again.  This continued for 2 more hours for a total of 4 blood draws!  Needless to say I felt like a pin cushion by the time 11:00 rolled around.  I still haven't received my results, but I'm really hoping they come back negative.  I'll keep you all updated!

Saturday was one of my best friends from college wedding.  Erin and Daniel got married at the gorgeous Alder Manor.  The venue is a breathtaking abandoned mansion in Yonkers, NY that feels like it is right out of the pages of The Great Gatsby.  Erin looked gorgeous as usual in her custom designed dress that was made by her husband's friend.  The night was absolutely wonderful and so romantic.  It was so nice to be able to reunite with some of my closest girlfriends from college.  Here's a link to a website that talks about the Alder Manor.  Check it out…. It's such a unique location for a wedding.


We've been hunkering down during hurricane Sandy all day!  I had school and gymnastics cancelled for the day, so we were able to sleep in and relax after our exciting weekend in NY.  I thought it was only fitting to make a hearty beef stew for dinner tonight, and I'm just grateful that the power didn't go off while I was cooking!  So far we've been having heavy rains on and off and very gusty winds.  We have yet to loose our power, but I'm knocking on wood as we speak!  I also just received a call that school is cancelled again tomorrow due to downed power lines and trees in Lexington.  Maybe I'll get some cleaning and organizing done tomorrow.  I might also try to finish my DIY projects for baby Percy's nursery!

Because of our busy weekend, I didn't end up doing a 29 week chalkboard.  Instead I'm going to post some pics from our weekend in Yonkers!  

29 Week bump shot

Gorgeous grounds at Alder Manor where the ceremony was held   

 Erin walking down the aisle with her mom and dad (sorry for the blurry iphone pics!)

The gorgeous Mr. and Mrs. Silbert

Benjamin being studious in the library

Yup…. He found the law books!

Ben and Jo reading some literature 

Whoa baby bump!

Prom pic baby bump style

Smart girls

pretty flowers and candlelight

Romantic table settings

Everyone loves a photo booth!  

How far along? Picture was taken at 29 weeks 5 days, posting on 29 weeks 7 days - Baby is the size of an acorn squash
Total weight gain: 20 pounds
Maternity clothes?  Still able to mix some pre-pregnancy tops with maternity pants.  
Stretch marks?  Still none yet
Sleep:  Still sleeping well besides having to go to the bathroom a couple times a night     
Best moment this week:  There are a few moments from this week!  Benjamin finding out he passed the Bar Exam- YAY and big relief!  And celebrating Erin and Daniel's wedding in Yonkers with my UVM loves.
Miss anything?  Not really missing anything this week
Movement:  Still moving like crazy.  Starting to feel like there's an alien in there trying to get out!
Food cravings?  No cravings this week
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Totally bumping it up!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy!  
Labor signs:  n/a  
Symptoms:  Still feeling less mobile.  
Belly button in or out?  Oh it's out…. :(
Wedding rings on or off?  Still on and feeling good
Mood:  Excited, happy, nervous all rolled into one!
Looking forward to:  getting my glucose test results back…. Obviously I'm hoping they call with good news!
Weekly goals/plans: No real plans for this week.  Hopefully try to get to bed at a decent hour and start to rest up for Baby Percy's arrival.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

28 Weeks

Sooooo, 28 weeks has been pretty uneventful except for my doctors appointment last Thursday.  I was scheduled to have a regular check up as well as my 1 hour glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  When I was called into the room, I was asked to drink the lovely orange flavored glucose drink.  It honestly didn't taste that bad.  It just tasted like really sweet flat orange soda.  After drinking the drink, I had my normal check up with Dr. Kolp.  She answered some of my questions, listened to baby Percy's heart beat (a strong 150), and measured my belly (as of now he's measuring a week ahead - Ben's thinking tax break!)  After my routine visit, I went back out into the waiting room and just sat around and people watched for the remaining time.  After an hour I was called in by the lab where they drew some blood and I was on my merry way! Well, fast forward to Friday afternoon when I received a call from Dr. Kolp's office.  My glucose test came back with elevated levels which meant I needed to schedule a 3 hour glucose test to get a definitive answer on whether I have gestational diabetes or not.  I have my test scheduled for this Friday, I am really hoping that I'm one of the many pregnant ladies that received a false positive from the 1 hour test results.  If I do end up having gestational diabetes, it's easily controlled through diet and exercise and is in no way harmful to me or the baby.  So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens!

Now onto the exciting part……… My baby bump pictures!

Can you spot my belly button poking out!?!?!

How far along? Picture was taken at 28 weeks 5 days, posting on 28 weeks 7 days ( I'm a procrastinator what can I say!) Baby is the size of an eggplant.
Total weight gain: 19 pounds 
Maternity clothes?  Still able to mix some pre-pregnancy tops with maternity pants.  
Stretch marks?  Still none yet
Sleep:  Still sleeping well besides having to go to the bathroom a couple times a night     
Best moment this week:  Finishing my DIY mobile- I'll try to post some pics soon!
Miss anything?  Not really missing anything this week
Movement:  All the time!  I'm starting to feel more "sweeping" motions across my stomach as opposed to the pokes and jabs I was feeling earlier.  I absolutely LOVE feeling him move.  Before I was pregnant I always thought it would feel so strange, but it is honestly one of the most amazing parts of being pregnant! 
Food cravings?  So apparently my 1 hour glucose test results were trying to tell me to back off from the sweets!  I'm making salads, fruit, yogurt, etc. my cravings this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Totally bumping it up!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy!  
Labor signs:  n/a  
Symptoms:  Still feeling less mobile.  
Belly button in or out?  Oh it's out…. :(
Wedding rings on or off?  Still on and feeling good
Mood:  Excited, happy, nervous all rolled into one!
Looking forward to:  Erin, my incredibly gorgeous friend from UVM is getting married this weekend!  We're making the trip to Alder Manor in Yonkers, NY where she and her hubby to be will be tying the knot.  I'm so excited to celebrate this special moment with her and to be able to have a mini UVM reunion.  
Weekly goals/plans: Eat healthy in order to prepare for my 3 hour glucose test- I'll keep ya posted!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

27 Weeks - 3rd Trimester!

Why, hello there 3rd trimester!!  Holy moly, I can't believe it!
So the trimester thing has been kinda tricky for me to keep track of (and really…. so are the months!  That's why I count by weeks!)   Depending on what pregnancy book/blog/website you read, there are different ideas on when the 3rd trimester begins.  Some say that 26 weeks 6 days is the beginning of the final trimester, while others say 28 weeks.  The resources that I've decided to go on say 27 weeks…. So that's what I'm sticking with!  It's a little surreal that in roughly 13 weeks our little guy will be making an appearance.  While I'm so incredibly excited to meet him and see what he looks like…. the reality of what needs to happen in order for him to get here is starting to set in.  Oh the nerves!

27 Week Board
Baby Bump Shot!  Sorry for the bad quality… we were super late taking a shot this week, and had to take one this morning with weird lighting!   

How far along? 27 Weeks 7 Days - baby is the size of a rutabaga….. Whatever the hell that is!! 
Total weight gain: 18 +/- pounds - I'll get my official weight gain this week at my doctors appointment
Maternity clothes?  Still able to mix some pre-pregnancy tops with maternity pants.  
Stretch marks?  Still none yet
Sleep:  Still sleeping well besides having to go to the bathroom a couple times a night     
Best moment this week:  Entering my 3rd trimester!!
Miss anything?  Being able to easily put on socks and shoes.  I have to sit down and put them on just like Mr. Rogers!    
Movement:  Seriously… this kid moves like crazy.  I like playing little games when he moves around.  When he moves… I poke my stomach to see if he responds…. and sometimes he pokes back!
Food cravings?  Sweets such as juice and occasionally skittles…. I know, I know…. That's not nutritional for the baby!  I also made chocolate cupcakes on Saturday with homemade cream cheese frosting…..ummm amazing!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Totally bumping it up!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy!  I also think we've narrowed down two different name combinations that we're pretty excited about.  I don't think we're going to make the decision until we meet him.  And just a quick note…. we don't care if you like or dislike our name choices.  That is why we aren't going to decide until he arrives…. then nobody can say anything….. And if you do say something- Get ready to take on the mama bear!  :)
Labor signs:  n/a  
Symptoms:  Definitely starting to feel less mobile.  My last day at gymnastics is in 4 weeks…. and I think that will be the perfect time to take a break from coaching.  Each week keeps getting harder and harder to keep up with 6 year olds and teenage girls!  
Belly button in or out?  It's definitely poppin'  Oh Man!  
Wedding rings on or off?  On and still feeling loose!  yay!
Mood:  Excited that we only have about 12/13 weeks left…. But definitely starting to get a little nervous.  
Looking forward to:  Taking it slow this week/weekend and trying to get a little bit more done to baby Percy's nursery.  I promise to post some pics soon of our progress so far.  I'm loving how the room looks and can't wait to see how it turns out.  Just like I tried to do some DIY project for our wedding, I'm trying to create some DIY projects for the nursery as well.  I'm excited to see how they turn out!
Weekly goals/plans: Finish my DIY projects and hang them up in the nursery.  Also, create a nursery progress post!  I'll try super hard to get that done!

Monday, October 8, 2012

26 Weeks

So I'm coming to the end of my second trimester which is just too much for me to comprehend!  I can't believe that baby Percy's due date is 3 months from TODAY!  CRAZINESS!!  Throughout my first 6 months of pregnancy I've encountered many people that are so happy and excited for me and Ben.  And while I whole heatedly appreciate their kind words and wishes, I've picked up on some norms that people love to ask women who are carrying a fetus!

"How are you feeling?"  - this is THE number one question that I'm asked.  Family, friends, co-workers, parents at gymnastics/school, even strangers ask me this question ALL THE TIME!  Like I said, I'm extremely appreciative of people looking out for me, but at this point in my pregnancy it's such a funny question.  Sometimes I'll have co-workers ask me how I'm feeling multiple times in one day!  While I usually just switch up my answer from "good" to "great", I kinda feel like I should make up some elaborate story about how wonderful I feel!  I feel like I'm boring people with my nonchalant answers!

"Have you picked out a name"  -  This is probably the second most popular question that I'm asked.  Ben and I have a short list of about 4 names that we really like.  It's been THE HARDEST DECISION to pick a name for our little one, and we haven't decided on one yet.  We are just holding onto our short list and every so often revisiting it.  We've taken the advice of many other mommies and are going to wait until we meet him to pick out his name.

That's it for my pregnancy rant.  I'm sure I'll encounter some more wonderful questions during my 3rd trimester!  Oh boy!

26 Week chalkboard

This weekend we took a trip to Connecticut to celebrate our dear friends Sharlene and Jordan.  They are getting married this New Years in Tobago, and for obvious reasons we won't be able to attend.  Jordan's parents threw the love birds a pre- wedding celebration on Saturday for all of their family and friends that live stateside.  Because of Ben's new restaurant work hours we were unexpectedly not able to attend the dinner on Saturday night, but lucky for us there was a brunch on Sunday morning that we were able to make.  Sharlene and Jordan have been together since about junior year of college.  We're so incredibly happy for the two of them, and can't wait to see pictures from their tropical destination wedding!

 26 Week Bump Shot

How far along? 26 Weeks 6 Days - baby is the size of a head of lettuce 
Total weight gain: 16ish pounds
Maternity clothes?  Still able to mix some pre-pregnancy tops with maternity pants.  
Stretch marks?  Still none yet
Sleep:  Sleeping well these days…. but I think I need to start going to bed earlier     
Best moment this week:  Going to Connecticut to see Sharlene and Jordan.
Miss anything?  Not really missing anything this week    
Movement:  His movements have become much stronger this week.  I love feeling him move around!
Food cravings?  After last weeks rant, I'm not really having any cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Oh yeah baby!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy! 
Labor signs:  n/a  
Symptoms:  I'm actually feeling great these days- no symptoms!
Belly button in or out?  It's definitely poppin'  Oh Man!  
Wedding rings on or off?  On and still feeling loose!  yay!
Mood:  Feeling good!
Looking forward to:  Getting the nursery together and organized.  I'll get a post together soon to show you our progress!
Weekly goals/plans: Get work done on the nursery!