Monday, October 15, 2012

27 Weeks - 3rd Trimester!

Why, hello there 3rd trimester!!  Holy moly, I can't believe it!
So the trimester thing has been kinda tricky for me to keep track of (and really…. so are the months!  That's why I count by weeks!)   Depending on what pregnancy book/blog/website you read, there are different ideas on when the 3rd trimester begins.  Some say that 26 weeks 6 days is the beginning of the final trimester, while others say 28 weeks.  The resources that I've decided to go on say 27 weeks…. So that's what I'm sticking with!  It's a little surreal that in roughly 13 weeks our little guy will be making an appearance.  While I'm so incredibly excited to meet him and see what he looks like…. the reality of what needs to happen in order for him to get here is starting to set in.  Oh the nerves!

27 Week Board
Baby Bump Shot!  Sorry for the bad quality… we were super late taking a shot this week, and had to take one this morning with weird lighting!   

How far along? 27 Weeks 7 Days - baby is the size of a rutabaga….. Whatever the hell that is!! 
Total weight gain: 18 +/- pounds - I'll get my official weight gain this week at my doctors appointment
Maternity clothes?  Still able to mix some pre-pregnancy tops with maternity pants.  
Stretch marks?  Still none yet
Sleep:  Still sleeping well besides having to go to the bathroom a couple times a night     
Best moment this week:  Entering my 3rd trimester!!
Miss anything?  Being able to easily put on socks and shoes.  I have to sit down and put them on just like Mr. Rogers!    
Movement:  Seriously… this kid moves like crazy.  I like playing little games when he moves around.  When he moves… I poke my stomach to see if he responds…. and sometimes he pokes back!
Food cravings?  Sweets such as juice and occasionally skittles…. I know, I know…. That's not nutritional for the baby!  I also made chocolate cupcakes on Saturday with homemade cream cheese frosting…..ummm amazing!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Totally bumping it up!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy!  I also think we've narrowed down two different name combinations that we're pretty excited about.  I don't think we're going to make the decision until we meet him.  And just a quick note…. we don't care if you like or dislike our name choices.  That is why we aren't going to decide until he arrives…. then nobody can say anything….. And if you do say something- Get ready to take on the mama bear!  :)
Labor signs:  n/a  
Symptoms:  Definitely starting to feel less mobile.  My last day at gymnastics is in 4 weeks…. and I think that will be the perfect time to take a break from coaching.  Each week keeps getting harder and harder to keep up with 6 year olds and teenage girls!  
Belly button in or out?  It's definitely poppin'  Oh Man!  
Wedding rings on or off?  On and still feeling loose!  yay!
Mood:  Excited that we only have about 12/13 weeks left…. But definitely starting to get a little nervous.  
Looking forward to:  Taking it slow this week/weekend and trying to get a little bit more done to baby Percy's nursery.  I promise to post some pics soon of our progress so far.  I'm loving how the room looks and can't wait to see how it turns out.  Just like I tried to do some DIY project for our wedding, I'm trying to create some DIY projects for the nursery as well.  I'm excited to see how they turn out!
Weekly goals/plans: Finish my DIY projects and hang them up in the nursery.  Also, create a nursery progress post!  I'll try super hard to get that done!

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