We've had a very exciting week so far! I'm 15 weeks along and had an ultrasound and doctors appointment this past Thursday. We were lucky enough that the little babe was cooperating and in the appropriate position for us to be able to see the gender. The ultrasound technician was able to find the correct view and asked me if I wanted to make a guess. I could clearly tell that there was a little something between the legs. "Is it a boy??" I asked her, in which she confirmed that we were indeed having a boy. "Really!?!?! It's a boy!?!?" Asked Ben. I think he had visions of teaching his little boy how to ski, so needless to say he is BEYOND excited!
I'm equally as excited, as I thought it was going to be another 4 weeks or so until we were going to be able to find out our baby's gender. So now my mind is swirling around with trying to pick out the most perfect boy name for our baby. Since finding out on Thursday, I've also bought 3 adorably cute boy outfits! I can't help myself….. I love baby clothes!
Now onto my 15 week picture and update!
How far along? 15weeks 6 days - I'm posting really late this week!
Total weight gain: About 3 pounds so far
Maternity clothes? Don't need them yet, although I've bought a few items.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Sleeping really well except for waking up a couple times a night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week: Finding out we're having a boy! I also got to meet my friend Rachael's brand new baby girl!
Miss anything? Deli meat!
Movement: I keep thinking I might be feeling something…. but I think it's still too early. Maybe next week!
Food cravings? Not too many cravings these days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really…. Still a little grossed out by red meat.
Have you started to show yet: The bump is definitely starting to "bump" more and more each day….. but I still don't look preggers to the general public.
Gender prediction: It's a boy!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: No real symptoms these days!
Belly button in or out? Inie/outie – which is normal for me!
Wedding rings on or off? on and I'm hoping it stays this way!
Mood: Happy and excited
Looking forward to: I'm really hoping to feel baby boy Percy move this week! I'm also looking forward to going to Maine next weekend for a long weekend getaway!
Weekly goals/plans: Did not make it to the gym this week! OOps! I'll try to start this week!
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