Sunday, September 30, 2012

25 Weeks

Chalkboard pic

Baby Bump Pic

How far along? 25 Weeks 6 days- Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower 
Total weight gain: 15  pounds
Maternity clothes?  Maternity pants and tops…. with some pre-pregnancy tops mixed in.
Stretch marks?  Nope!
Sleep:  Still sleeping well besides having occasional hip and back pains     
Best moment this week:  Being able to have some family members feel baby percy… The left side of my belly gets really hard so we've been trying to figure out if it's his butt or head!
Miss anything?  Not really missing anything this week    
Movement:  He's a crazy mover!  Like I said above, he's starting to get bigger, so I'm trying to guess the different body parts that I can feel
Food cravings?  I kinda think cravings are a bunch of crap!  I think it's a myth that pregnant ladies made up so they can feel better about themselves for indulging in treats.  I had my fair share of cravings even before I was ever pregnant.  I would crave Starbursts, Skittles, Funfetti cupcakes, margaritas, mexican food, and the list goes on and on.  So here is my list of "pregnancy cravings" that I'm into this week:  Soup (made some homemade chicken noodle soup tonight), apple cider (preferably Cold Hollow apple cider- this is the apple cider mill out of Stowe, Vermont that us UVMers would frequent every fall to indulge in their delicious cider and donuts…. They package their cider and you can buy it in various grocery stores throughout New England- pick some up if you ever come across it), and last but not least- the most amazing treat Starbucks has ever come up with!  They make a DELICIOUS salted caramel hot chocolate.  It is to die for!  I just discovered it this weekend…. and I'm basically obsessed!  Here's hoping that my upcoming glucose test comes out fine because I don't know what I would do if I couldn't indulge in these little suckers!  
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Oh yeah baby!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy! 
Labor signs:  n/a
Symptoms:  I have a slight lower back ache that I hope doesn't stick around for the next 3 months….  
Belly button in or out?  It's definitely poppin'  Oh Man!  
Wedding rings on or off?  On and still feeling loose!  yay!
Mood:  Happy and excited for the most part…. but definitely starting to get a teeny bit nervous when I think about labor.
Looking forward to:  Going to CT this weekend to celebrate our friends upcoming wedding!  Sharlene and Jordan are fellow UVM alumni and have been together since our UVM days.  They are getting married this New Years Eve in Tobago where Sharlene's family is from.  Ben and I were planning on attending their wedding…. that was until we found out we were having a baby that was due on January 8th!  We were super bummed when we realized that we wouldn't be able to make it to the wedding, but got excited when we realized that we would be able to make their celebration party in CT.  Can't wait to celebrate an amazing couple, and indulge in a mini UVM reunion!
Weekly goals/plans: Take things slow this week….. so I'm not too tired for Sharlene and Jordan's party!

Monday, September 24, 2012

24 Weeks

I'm slacking on my weekly bump post.  Totally waited until the last minute seeing how I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow!
I think we've officially entered the "nesting" phase.  Ben and I did a bunch of cleaning and organizing this weekend.  I went through all of my clothes and packed away all of my summer clothes, and clothes that just won't fit until after this baby makes an appearance.  I also pulled a bunch of clothes out to donate to goodwill.  You know you're getting old when you get excited about organizing!

24 Week Chalkboard

 Bump Shot!

How far along? 24 Weeks 7 days…. baby is the size of a cantaloupe or an ear of corn (depending on what website you go to!) 
Total weight gain: 15 pounds
Maternity clothes?  Pretty much everything I wear on the bottom is maternity…. but I'm still able to fit into some of my pre-pregnancy tops seeing how I had a lot of flowy tops before.
Stretch marks?  Nope!
Sleep:  Sleeping well besides having to get up a couple times a night…. also, my hips and lower back have occasionally been giving me some issues.
Best moment this week:  Taking it easy this week.  We were able to stay at home this weekend and relax!
Miss anything?  Being able to move around easily.  As a former gymnast, I've never had issues of not being able to get off the floor….. but I've noticed it has become more and more difficult to get up if I'm sitting on the floor.  Also, it's crazy to see my ab muscles get totally thrown out the window!  If I'm laying down I can't just sit straight up, I have to do this maneuver where I roll towards the side and then push myself up.  It's all good though…. b/c it's all for baby Percy!    
Movement:  I think he's training to become a gymnast or a skier!
Food cravings?  I guess fall-esqe foods 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  You know it!
Gender:  Baby boy Percy! 
 Labor signs:  n/a
Symptoms:  Non these days.  
Belly button in or out?  It's definitely poppin'  Oh Man!  
Wedding rings on or off?  on and I'm hoping it stays this way!
Mood:  Happy and excited
Looking forward to:  Taking it easy this week
Weekly goals/plans: Heading up to VT this weekend to check out Alyson and Terry's new house! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall & Happy Baby Registering


So we're officially in my favorite season!  I absolutely love the fall weather.  I love those first chilly days when you break out your sweater, boots and scarves for the first time.  I love the cool air at night and in the morning while you're laying all cozy in your bed.  I love eating soup on chilly days and switching over from ice coffee to hot coffee (although I won't be enjoying that this year).  Although I'm not a huge fan of leaf peeper traffic, I love seeing the leaves change color, and I love apple picking and all of the yummy treats that go along with it….. hello apple cider donuts!!  

Two weekends ago I was spending some time in NH with my parents and celebrating my friends Danielle & Kelli's birthdays.  While up in the Granite State, my mom and I decided to go to Carter Hill Apple Orchard to pick up some delicious Macs!  It was a beautiful day, and because it was pretty early in the apple picking season, it didn't take us long to snatch up a bushel of apples.  We could have stood at the first few trees and filled our bags in 5 minutes, but we decided to wander through the rows and take our time.  To reward ourselves for our excellent apple picking skills, we just had to get some apple cider donuts…. So Good!  

Below are a few of the pictures I took with Instagram (a super cool iphone photo app…. You take a picture and then search through different filters that automatically effect the look of your pic.  So cool!  If you don't have it already, download it and follow my at: lpercy)

Switching gears…. I've gotten my baby registries up and running and ready to go!  I decided to register at three different stores for our much needed baby gear.  The first store I decided to register at is Babies R Us.  They have such a large variety of items and brands, and they're easily accessible through their many store locations and easy online shopping.  I registered with them for items such as Boppys, bottles, diapers, video monitor, swaddling blankets, car seat, Pack N' Play, and many more items.  I've been trying to register just for the items that we'll actually need…. So check out my lists, and for any of you mommies out there…. let me know if I'm missing anything crucial!  index.jsp.gif

For the more decorative items such as crib sheets, changing pad covers, and crib bedskirts, I registered at The Land of Nod and Pottery Barn Kids.

Monday, September 17, 2012

23 Weeks

Wow…. I can't believe I'm 23 weeks (24 tomorrow!)  I was just telling Ben earlier today that I feel like these past 23 weeks have flown by!  It's hard to believe I'll be in my 3rd trimester in 3 weeks.
We had a great weekend in NH getting lots of things ready for baby P.  Ben's older sister, Megan generously gave us a dresser for the nursery.  Since the crib we ordered is a dark espresso color, we decided to refinish the dresser to match.  After much deliberation, we realized that we weren't able to stain the dresser as it wasn't 100% wood.  So instead we decided to repaint it using a dark brown color. We also picked up some new lime green knobs from Anthropologie to make it look a little more modern.
We also set up our crib this weekend, and I could not be happier with how it looks!  It's really sleek and modern looking, and works perfectly in our second bedroom.  Once we've set up the dresser, I'll post an update of what the nursery looks like.  I'm excited to see how everything comes together!

Jade reuniting with her baby bump after being left in MA all weekend

Jade helping Ben with the crib

23 weeks

Baby bump

How far along? 23 Weeks…. Baby is the size of a grapefruit 
Total weight gain: Around 13 pounds
Maternity clothes?  Still wearing a lot of my pre pregnancy dresses….. but definitely wearing maternity pants and tops a lot more these days
Stretch marks?  Nope!
Sleep:  Still sleeping pretty well except I occasionally have some pain in my lower back and hips when I wake up in the morning 
Best moment this week:  Refinishing the dresser, spending time with my parents, and setting up the crib! 
Miss anything?  My normal-ish looking belly button!    
Movement:  So much movement!  Baby P takes lots of naps throughout the day/night, but also does a lot of moving around.  I can even see little movements on the surface of my belly.  On Saturday night, Ben and I were watching for little pulses.  So cool!
Food cravings?  Non really- Although I need to start craving some healthier foods
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Definitely sporting a clear baby bump 
Gender:  Baby boy Percy! 
 Labor signs:  n/a
Symptoms:  Non these days.  
Belly button in or out?  Not totally popped yet…. but it's sticking out a little  
Wedding rings on or off?  on and I'm hoping it stays this way!
Mood:  Happy and excited
Looking forward to:  Relaxing at home.  The past few weekends we've been traveling like crazy, so it'll be nice to stay home this weekend.
Weekly goals/plans: Lay low and relax a bit.  Possibly try to go to the gym or go on a short hike this weekend.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

22 weeks

So this whole working two jobs and trying to blog thing is kinda difficult!  I totally missed my 21 week baby bump photo and update.  Ben and I had a very long relaxing Labor Day weekend up in Vermont. We spent Thursday through Monday in Vermont, so I wasn't able to get back in time to take a picture.

Although I'm working at school during the day and gymnastics at night, I've been feeling pretty good.  I haven't been feeling too tired or run down and I'm hoping this continues through mid November.  My current plan is to stop teaching gymnastics around the the 12th of November, and continue on with work at school up until Christmas Vacation.  It's nice to know that I won't have to be teaching little kids how to do forward rolls and handstands while I'm 9 months pregnant!

 A close up of this weeks board

22 week baby bump!

How far along? 22 weeks 6 days - Baby is the size of a papaya 
Total weight gain: I think around 10/11 pounds
Maternity clothes?  If I'm not rocking dresses, I'm definitely rocking maternity pants and either a maternity top, or one of my pre-pregnancy flowy tops
Stretch marks?  Nope!
Sleep:  Still sleeping pretty well
Best moments from the past 2 weeks:  Being about to spend labor day weekend on Lake Rescue in Vermont with Ben's family.  I also enjoyed going to NH this past weekend to spend time with some girlfriends, and to go apple picking with my mom.  I'm loving the start of the fall weather!
Miss anything?  Being able to bend over easily!  It's definitely starting to become more difficult!    
Movement:  I've been feeling the little guy like crazy over the past week!  His movements have become stronger and I'm able to feel him throughout the day instead of just during the morning/night.
Food cravings?  Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Definitely showing these days.  I love walking through the halls at school and having kids either stare at me or ask if I have a baby in my belly!  
Gender:  Baby boy Percy! 
 Labor signs:  n/a
Symptoms:  Non these days.  The acne is definitely getting better. 
Belly button in or out?  It's starting to pop out a little bit….. Oy Vey!
Wedding rings on or off?  on and I'm hoping it stays this way!
Mood:  Happy and excited
Looking forward to:  This weekend….. Ben and I will be refinishing a dresser we got from Megan, Ben's sister.  I'm also looking forward to seeing and possibly setting up our crib.  My mom was generous enough to buy our crib for us, and it should be available for pick-up this week.  I have such exciting ideas for the nursery and can't wait to get things started in there!
Weekly goals/plans: No real goals… just plans to go up to NH to get some errands/jobs done!