Monday, September 17, 2012

23 Weeks

Wow…. I can't believe I'm 23 weeks (24 tomorrow!)  I was just telling Ben earlier today that I feel like these past 23 weeks have flown by!  It's hard to believe I'll be in my 3rd trimester in 3 weeks.
We had a great weekend in NH getting lots of things ready for baby P.  Ben's older sister, Megan generously gave us a dresser for the nursery.  Since the crib we ordered is a dark espresso color, we decided to refinish the dresser to match.  After much deliberation, we realized that we weren't able to stain the dresser as it wasn't 100% wood.  So instead we decided to repaint it using a dark brown color. We also picked up some new lime green knobs from Anthropologie to make it look a little more modern.
We also set up our crib this weekend, and I could not be happier with how it looks!  It's really sleek and modern looking, and works perfectly in our second bedroom.  Once we've set up the dresser, I'll post an update of what the nursery looks like.  I'm excited to see how everything comes together!

Jade reuniting with her baby bump after being left in MA all weekend

Jade helping Ben with the crib

23 weeks

Baby bump

How far along? 23 Weeks…. Baby is the size of a grapefruit 
Total weight gain: Around 13 pounds
Maternity clothes?  Still wearing a lot of my pre pregnancy dresses….. but definitely wearing maternity pants and tops a lot more these days
Stretch marks?  Nope!
Sleep:  Still sleeping pretty well except I occasionally have some pain in my lower back and hips when I wake up in the morning 
Best moment this week:  Refinishing the dresser, spending time with my parents, and setting up the crib! 
Miss anything?  My normal-ish looking belly button!    
Movement:  So much movement!  Baby P takes lots of naps throughout the day/night, but also does a lot of moving around.  I can even see little movements on the surface of my belly.  On Saturday night, Ben and I were watching for little pulses.  So cool!
Food cravings?  Non really- Although I need to start craving some healthier foods
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Definitely sporting a clear baby bump 
Gender:  Baby boy Percy! 
 Labor signs:  n/a
Symptoms:  Non these days.  
Belly button in or out?  Not totally popped yet…. but it's sticking out a little  
Wedding rings on or off?  on and I'm hoping it stays this way!
Mood:  Happy and excited
Looking forward to:  Relaxing at home.  The past few weekends we've been traveling like crazy, so it'll be nice to stay home this weekend.
Weekly goals/plans: Lay low and relax a bit.  Possibly try to go to the gym or go on a short hike this weekend.  

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