Monday, September 10, 2012

22 weeks

So this whole working two jobs and trying to blog thing is kinda difficult!  I totally missed my 21 week baby bump photo and update.  Ben and I had a very long relaxing Labor Day weekend up in Vermont. We spent Thursday through Monday in Vermont, so I wasn't able to get back in time to take a picture.

Although I'm working at school during the day and gymnastics at night, I've been feeling pretty good.  I haven't been feeling too tired or run down and I'm hoping this continues through mid November.  My current plan is to stop teaching gymnastics around the the 12th of November, and continue on with work at school up until Christmas Vacation.  It's nice to know that I won't have to be teaching little kids how to do forward rolls and handstands while I'm 9 months pregnant!

 A close up of this weeks board

22 week baby bump!

How far along? 22 weeks 6 days - Baby is the size of a papaya 
Total weight gain: I think around 10/11 pounds
Maternity clothes?  If I'm not rocking dresses, I'm definitely rocking maternity pants and either a maternity top, or one of my pre-pregnancy flowy tops
Stretch marks?  Nope!
Sleep:  Still sleeping pretty well
Best moments from the past 2 weeks:  Being about to spend labor day weekend on Lake Rescue in Vermont with Ben's family.  I also enjoyed going to NH this past weekend to spend time with some girlfriends, and to go apple picking with my mom.  I'm loving the start of the fall weather!
Miss anything?  Being able to bend over easily!  It's definitely starting to become more difficult!    
Movement:  I've been feeling the little guy like crazy over the past week!  His movements have become stronger and I'm able to feel him throughout the day instead of just during the morning/night.
Food cravings?  Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope 
Have you started to show yet:  Definitely showing these days.  I love walking through the halls at school and having kids either stare at me or ask if I have a baby in my belly!  
Gender:  Baby boy Percy! 
 Labor signs:  n/a
Symptoms:  Non these days.  The acne is definitely getting better. 
Belly button in or out?  It's starting to pop out a little bit….. Oy Vey!
Wedding rings on or off?  on and I'm hoping it stays this way!
Mood:  Happy and excited
Looking forward to:  This weekend….. Ben and I will be refinishing a dresser we got from Megan, Ben's sister.  I'm also looking forward to seeing and possibly setting up our crib.  My mom was generous enough to buy our crib for us, and it should be available for pick-up this week.  I have such exciting ideas for the nursery and can't wait to get things started in there!
Weekly goals/plans: No real goals… just plans to go up to NH to get some errands/jobs done!

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